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Nomad in Mongolia

Andrea Maselli

Researcher in Theoretical Physics

Gran Sasso
Science Institute


I was born in a small town in the deep south of Italy, where I grew up until I moved to the most beautiful city in the World, to study theoretical physics.


In January 2013 I defended my Ph.D. thesis "Tidal Interaction in Compact Binary systems", under the supervision of Prof. Valeria Ferrari. Immediately after, I visited the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation in Portsmouth, where I started collaborating with Prof. Marco Bruni to study cosmological density perturbations in the early Universe.




In 2013, I was VESF postdoctoral fellow, and then postdoctoral researcher in the gravity group at Sapienza University of Rome. My work focused on describing the interaction of black-hole and neutron star binaries in the last phases of their evolution. After that, I was postdoc at the Center for Relativistic Astrophysics in Atlanta, in the group led by Prof. Pablo Laguna. In October of 2015 I joined, as postdoc, the Theoretical Astrophysical Group of Prof. Kostas Kokkotas, at the University of Tuebingen. After two years I moved to Lisbon, where I have been postdoctoral researcher at CENTRA, in the grit group led by Prof. Vitor Cardoso. 


I came back to R(h)ome in October 2018, as a researcher of the Gravity Theory and Gravitational wave phenomenology Group at the University "Sapienza" (in the historical department of Physics "Marconi", just close to the Minerva statue).


In December 2020 I became assistant professor at the Gran Sasso Science Institute, where I am  associate professor since 2023. No more travelling for a while!

© 2017 by Andrea Maselli. Created with

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable,

must be the truth (S.H.)

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